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Gene/interview / article

Melody Maker, Feb 25 1995

by noir_ 2015. 4. 8.

문제의 그 커버

“The hackneyed rock’n roll life is quite a sad and distressing life, I think,” says Gene’s front man, decorum. I don’t think throwing televisions out of hotel windows, for instance, is particularly constructive. Although I must admit I’ve looked at the odd fire extinguisher with a little temptation.”

Ooh, you devil.

“I certainly didn’t get into a band to sleep with as many women as possible,” says Steve—who,let’s face it, wouldn’t have had to. “The most important thing to me is to just write brilliant records. Just because I play guitar doesn’t make me behave in one particular way.”


-인터뷰어가 가사 이해 안간다고 하니까 뭐가요? 어디가 폭력적이라는건지 잘 모르겠어요. 가사 줄줄 읊으면서 이게 어떻게 이해가 안가지? 아..은윤줄..
-English적이라고 하니까 난 Welsh예요.

-이제 봤다 "I'll give up the band the moment i feel we're choreographing ourselves. I'll shoot these three first, and myself last"
셋다 쏴죽이고 자기도 죽을거라고

So, Martin. Is “Olympian” about your fascination for men with muscles?

“The song has a degree of autobiography in it, and a degree of biography in it,” the singer replies, somewhat evasively. “I can see that, for certain people, there is an attraction in men with muslces.”

And for yourself?




In Stockholm, we noiced the tour manger gently, but firmly, turning away an enthusiastic female admirer of Steve’s. We certainly wouldn’t have done. We’re great admirers of enthusiasm.

“It’s a power, and it’s something that shouldn’t be exploited.” the guitarist explains. “I’m not tone to exploit my position to get women into bed. I find it immoral.”

Is there really that much difference between exploiting the fact you’re in a pop group and exploiting the fact you can bat your eyelashes really well, or that you’ve got nice smile, or cool chat-up lines? If women or men fancy you because you’re in band, at least that’s a position you’re worked hard to attain.

Martin: “There’s an attractiveness there, but it’s a false attractiveness.”

What the fuck is a false attractiveness?

Kev: “Well, they don’t want to sleep with you because you’re a nice person.”

Steve: “You shouldn’t be hedonistic and think just about yourself. There are two people involved-and people get hurt.”

It is possible to have one-night stands based on mutual respect.

“You have to be very good at manipulation to do that,” the guitarist reports.

“I can be pretty amoral at times,” comments Mat, enigmatically.

The older we get, the less point we see in morals.

Steve smiles: “Well, when I get to your age, Everett, we’ll have a chat about it.”

Ooh, you bitch!

“And, as for you, young Taylor…” Martin reaches over and administers a sharp slap on the wrist. “There’s a really no hope for you.”


95년 인터뷰면 꽤 인기 많을 때였는데.. 스티브가 생각보다 넘 괜찮은 사람이라 당황스럽기까지 하다.  마지막에 로시터 코멘트가 압권.
