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Gene/interview / article

martin rossiter interview / god is in the tv/2012

by noir_ 2015. 4. 27.


1. 인터뷰 하는애가 뭔가 준비를 많이 해온듯
2. 마틴 일송정 로시터 선생님
3. 질의응답이 다 꿀잼인 편 코멘트 해석이 그지같지만 원문 보면 흥미진진
4. 짱나게 또 대답이 다 좋다...

Hi Martin, How are you today?

I’m a little tired actually, anticipatory is the word. The album comes out on Monday and there’s always that wonder whether all the nice things people have said  will come to fruition, I want people to have it in their homes, and I want people to sing to it and cry to it. Here’s hoping that it happens. It’s been a long time since I’ve last released a record and nobody buys them anymore so…

I can imagine. When was the last time you released a record?

I ended Gene in 2004. I think the last Gene album was 2001 or 2002 so it has been a remarkably long time, everyone else has aged but I’m still young and gorgeous of course (laughs)…. if only that were true.

2004년에 Gene을 끝냈고, 마지막 앨범은 2001년인가 2002년 쯤이었으니까 꽤나 긴 시간이 흐른 셈이죠. 다들 나이먹었지만 난 보시다시피 아직도 젊고 고져스 하잖아요 (웃음)

How’s the tour been going so far?

It’s six shows. They’ve been going well. Someone described the show at Norwich as more like being at a church than being at a gig, people stood crying. That’s my role in pop music, there are other people that make people dance I’m there to make things harder…..

Is that what this record is concerned with? I’ve been really enjoying it, listening to it often in the middle of the night. You must be proud of it?

Yeah it’s undeniably not an easy listen, I’d be surprised if people can sit down and listen to it all the way through. I think it’s rare, I can’t think of an album that is that lyrically challenging not of the last five years anyway, which I’m very happy about actually. It’s important nobody is doing this anymore, nobody is writing songs to reflect the darker and sort of more vulnerable side of life. And that’s a great shame, it seems the gate keepers of the music industry aren’t letting people like me through. So I’ve snuck through the hitch…

 Did you feel less pressure to produce music than when you were on the tour-record-tour treadmill of being on a major?

The timescale has been mine obviously. What I’ve chosen to do in some ways is business suicide.  If we jump back ten years or even fifteen years there would be a lot of people who would be keen to hear my record. Time it’s a memory, so it’s clearly not a tactical record in that sense. It took a long time for me to start writing again to be honest, I felt winded by the music industry. At my age it takes a long time to stand up again when something that large has clenched its fist and chucked it into your stomach.

-내가 택한 방식은 어떻게 보면 사업적으로는 자살시도와 다름없는 방식이죠. 10년이나 15년 전이라면 내 레코드를 듣겠다는 사람이 꽤나 많았겠지만, 전략적인 레코드는 아니라는 소리예요.  솔직히 말하자면 곡을 다시 쓰기 시작하기에 꽤 오랜 시간이 걸렸고, 음악산업 속의 나는 바람에 맞서고있는 그런 기분이예. 내 나이쯤 되면 뭔가 거대한게 주먹을 매여쥐고 내 배를 때리고가면 다시 일어나기에 시간이 꽤 필요하죠..

And I guess the music industry has changed even in the period since you’ve been away?

It’s remarkable, I was speaking to the manager of a Mercury award nominee band recently who was saying that their album had sold twenty five thousand albums around the world, fifteen years ago you could have certainly stuck a naught on it and made a living, it certainly would have been enough to pay the bills…..

Rather than the traditional record label route you’ve used pledge music to fund this record. How did you find that as an experience?

With Pledge it wasn’t our first choice I would have liked a record company to sit me down and to say lovely things about how they believe in my record and want to put it out, but I mean a 42 year old greying Welsh man isn’t exactly in pop music marketing 101 is it? But I was determined to get the record out, I didn’t want it just to be sitting around in my front room. But I found it not to be an unpleasant experienced and I find a lot of things unpleasant so  I’ve been astonished at the goodwill and affection from fans, I mean I haven’t released a lot of record in ten years it shows a great deal of faith…Most people haven’t heard of crowd sourcing or pledge or kickstarter. It’s a very new idea that you put your credit card number in and two and half months later a record pops through your letter box… I would treat that with great suspicion but I don’t blame people for thinking that. But we’ve had a sizeable number who were prepared to take that leap of faith and jump they did and it’s arriving through people’s doors this morning, I gather. The record companies are very slow to react, it’s just taken them years to realise there’s a thing called the internet and it will take another three or four years to realise that there are people like me releasing records themselves….

I doubt Lucien Grange at Universal is losing any sleep over the fact that I’m releasing an album. It does put control back into my hands .There are times looking back at my career where I’d wish I was in more control. If you look at Gene, if any one of the four of us had been in charge of  the band  then it may have been different, If I’d been in charge for example certain songs would have been treated in a very different way and we would have sold more than we did.  It was one of the things that made us very listenable but I mean you couldn’t sum us up in five words. Anyone with ears could see that the only albums that sell now can only be summed up in five words like some dreadful Amazon algorithm where you put five words in and out pops Adele.

플렛지와 함께 하는게 제 1 계획은 아니었어요. 난 레코드사가 날 앉혀놓고 그들이 얼마나 내 레코드를 믿고 출시하고싶은지에 대해 듣기좋은 말들을 하는걸 좋아해왔지만, 내말은, 머리가 희끗희끗해져가는 마흔두살 웰시맨이 팝뮤직 마케팅에서 그렇게 중요한 존재는 아니잖아요? 

-이 마흔두살 웰시맨도 나름 여러 수식어가 있었다 과체중 웰시맨 흰머리나는 웰시맨 기타등등..
구십년대에는 누구보다 클래식하게 살았는데 나이 든 어니부기는 성향이 진보적이어서 그런지 사업 판을 읽는 시각이 좀 더 진보적인 듯 하다 물론 인더스트리가 마흔두살 웰시맨을 탐탁치 않아한 탓도 있겠으나.. 아 갑자기 단어가 기억이 안나는데 비영리부문이나 협동조합 출자금 모으는 방식 이런거 얘기해주면 재밌어할거같기도

내 커리어를 되돌아보면 내가 좀 더 많은 컨트롤을 할 수 있었더라면 하는 생각이 드는 시절들이 있어요. Gene을 보면, 우리가 밴드에 기여하는 정도는 좀 다를 수 있곘지만, 만약에 내가 몇몇 곡들을 전담했더라면 훨씬 다른방식으로 다뤄질 수 있었을 것이고 더 많이 팔 수 있었을거예요. 우리 곡이 굉장히 listenable해진 요소이기도 하지만, 내말은, 다섯 단어로만 썸업할수는 없다는거죠. 귀가 달린 사람이라면 요새 파는 앨범들은 죄다, 끔찍한 아마존 알고리즘 같은 다섯단어들로 썸업되곤 하잖아요.

anyone with ears ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Was there a commercial pressure at work on Gene?

 It’s just the fact that we were a democracy, four of us had equal impact. There were battles some of which I won or Steve won and some of which we all lost that was the lovely thing about the band but that’s one of the things that made it harder to square off, we were a square peg and there wasn’t even a hole to push us through…

우린 민주적이었고 네 명 모두 같은 영향력을 구사했죠, 그게 사실이예요. 뭐 내가 이기거나 스티브가 이기거나 우리 모두 지거나 하는 다툼(배틀ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)들이 있긴 했지만 이런게 밴드의 러블리한 점들이죠. 물론 권력균형의 정사각형을 유지하는 걸 어렵게 하는 요소이기도 해요, 우리를 밀어부치는 hole이 없는데도 우리는 square peg였으니까..

square peg on round hole: 둥근 구멍에 네모난 말뚝, 부적임자
알란이고 로시터고 숙어를 참 마니 쓴다 나 무식한거 부끄러우라고...

I read an interview with Brian May who said that Queen used to argue in the studio and the records were a compromise between different opinions….

Sometimes those compromises work very well, I’m not here to defecate on people’s memories there are Gene songs I’m still immensely proud of and songs I no longer listen too but I won’t say which as those songs are no longer mine and exist in a wider space than that. I don’t want to say which songs or that I don’t like them. It would be like Paul Simon coming out with ‘Oh Bridge over troubled Waters is a bit shit’ which would be like a dagger to my heart’….

사람들 기억속의 Gene 노래들을--굉장히 자랑스럽게 생각하지만 더이상 듣지는 않는, 하지만 이 음악들이 더 이상 내 것이 아니라고 말하지는 않겠어요, 진 음악들은 그보다는 더 넓은 의미로 존재하고 있죠-- 폄하하려고 여기 나와있는게 아니예요. 어떤 노래가 싫다 좋다 이런 이야기를 하고 싶진 않아요. 마치 그런거죠. 폴 사이먼이 나와서 "아 Bridge Over Troubled Water 완전 거지같아"  라고 하면 내 마음은 갈기갈기 찢어질텐데..

추억에 똥뿌리려고 나온거 아니거든...★
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ폴 사이먼이 나와서 이래봐.. 우왕 브릿지오버트러블드워터 존구..★
말하면 as good as it gets 팬들이 엘피 커버 들고 와서 주글때까지 찍어댈거니깐~말하지않을래~라매여 아저씨.. (넝담)

로시터가 지나간 추억들에 대해서 가지고 있는 생각은 참 팬으로서 볼때마다 고맙긴 하다. 향수가 느껴지는것은 그 시절 그대로로 간직해주는것이 더 아름다운 일임을 계속해서 언급해주니까. 아티스트로서의 완벽주의적 철학이나 미학인 것 같은데 완성도 면에서 하여간 뭘 좀 아는 남자..  깊은 슬픔이나 지나간 것들에 대한 태도가 하여간 내 취향인지 철학인지랑 같아서 인터뷰 볼때마다 좀 고마움

Which was your favourite Gene album?

Of the Gene records? Probably ‘Libertine;’ the last one, it’s the last one that sounds like an album, it’s coherent there are songs on there where I thought I was starting to sound like a good lyricist, I mean at times I’d been a good lyricist but I was young and inconsistent. Song like ‘Is it over’ and ‘Somewhere in the world’ that have a link with what I’m writing now. ‘With Somewhere in the World’ it was the first song I wrote where I thought Elvis could have sung it, which is frankly all I’m ever trying to do….

진 앨범 중에서요? 리버틴일거예요, 마지막 앨범. album이라고 부를만한 마지막 것이죠. 앨범에 있는 곡들이 나 스스로를 꽤 괜찮은 작사가라고 불릴만하네, 라고 평가할 수 있을 정도의 퀄리티를 일관적으로 유지하고있죠. 음 내 말은, 좋은 작사가긴 했지만 난 어렸고 일관성이 부족했거든요. 'Is it over'나 'Somewhere in the world' 같은 곡들은, 지금 내가 쓰는 곡들하고 연결고리를 가지고 있죠.  'Somewhere in the world'는 내가 처음으로 엘비스가 불렀으면, 하는 생각으로 쓴 곡이예요. 

가사에 대한 철학과 엘비스 프레즐리에 대한 일송정..

Live-wise in Gene, what were your highlights?

The one thing I miss actually now is the fact that when I do a show now I don’t have that gang to jump around with and say how wonderful it was and not feel egotistical, and share things. I have a piano player who comes away with me but he’s a hired session player but it’s not really his job to say ‘wasn’t that fantastic?’ I completely understand why some people have entourages mine would be slightly less glamorous, I can hardly afford to have someone with a brolly to hold over me. It would be lovely to have a couple of people who are as invested in it as I am, it’s a small complaint but only a small one….

요새 그리운거 하나는 그거예요. 공연 하고나면 같이 팔짝팔짝 뛰어다니면서 공연이 얼마나 환상적이었는지 말해도 딱히 egotistical하게 느껴지지 않을 친구들이 없다는 것? 같이 다니는 피아노 연주자가 있긴 한데 그 친구는 고용된 세션 플레이어고, "아, 너무 환상적이었던 것 같아요!"라고 말하는게 그 친구가 해야하는 일은 아니잖아요.  사람들이 왜 수행단을 끌고 다니는지 완벽하게 이해하겠어요. 내껀 좀 덜 매력적이라.. 나한테 우산 씌워주려는 사람들을 견디기가 또 쉽지는 않네요. 나 자신으로 존재하는데 투자해주겠다는 몇 사람이 있는 건 물론 러블리한 일들이지만, 작은 투정일 뿐이예요.. 

이것도 얼마전에 봤어! 본 내용이야!!! 갱스터마인드!!!!! 나를 고용해!! 아!!! 수행단은 싫다고!!! 어쩌라는거야!!

It’s fair to say Gene aren’t the best known band of that era….

Gene once jointly held a record for the top twenty single that spent the least time in the top twenty we had this fanbase who adored what we did and then people who loathed us. We were loathed by 98% of the planet but there was 2% who saw the gleaming diamond in a big steaming mound of shit.  I think it was ‘We could be kings off’ the second album. We were a buzz band for eleven hours, and very exciting it was at the time….

I keep reading that Gene were a Britpop band but I find that description a little ill-fitting, how do you feel about it?

Our first record came out a week before or a week after Oasis’ first record and in terms of the zeitgeist  that Oasis single marked a cultural shift in the UK towards a more unpleasant world. To which we certainly didn’t fit in, it was very easy to mock us, we mocked ourselves. I mean I unashamedly liked books which was like a shooting offence at the time…If we’d been around a few years before it would have been OK, suddenly it became patriarchal. In a way I wish we’d been Finnish or Latvian I mean we were four white men from the United kingdom it was unavoidable we could have made a dubstep record and we would have been called Britpop.

우리 첫 음반이 발매된 게 오아시스 첫 음반이랑 일주일 정도 차이가 났을 거예요. '시대정신' 측면에서, 오아시스의 싱글은 영국에서 문화적 변화를 만들어냈죠.  좀 더 불쾌한 세상으로--우리는 잘 맞지 않는 그런 세상 말이예요. 우리를 조롱하기 아주 쉽고, 우리 스스로도 우리를 비웃는..  난 참 뻔뻔하게도 독서를 좋아했더랬어요, 이게 그 시대에는 굉장히 사람들 기분을 상하게 하는 그런 밥맛 없는 취미들인줄도 모르고. 바로 몇 년 전까지만 하더라도 그런게 허용되는 시절이었는데, 갑자기 가부장적으로 변해버린거예요.   우리가 핀란드인들이거나 라트비아사람이길 바란 적도 있었는데. 우린 UK의 네 백인 남성이었고, 그럼 불가피하게 덥스텝 레코드를 만들어야만 했어요, 우리가 '브릿팝'이라고 부르는 바로 그거.

What are your inspirations now as compared to then?

Two things really one not an inspiration but I’m desperate to be brilliant, now. The whole process of writing songs that you have to stand on stage and you have one piano, instantly it points people’s ears at the words. I had to become much better at that art-form of writing I wanted to have a narrative that nobody else is talking about. That’s actually not a difficult challenge in popular music at the moment. I would argue that pop music and I’m talking One Direction is more likely to challenge people than that broad term indie these days. I don’t hear many bands who write songs that will impact on people’s lives apart from maybe Villagers. I want to write songs that will stand the test of time and punctuate people’s lives. I want to make people cry there’s one song on the album called ‘Broken Sorrow’ inspired by an early Villagers song I’d heard that was never released about two statues in Spain that had this lovely story that came back on itself. If people can’t listen to them and understand then I don’t feel like I’m doing my job. I don’t like the idea that you need an accompanying booklet to explain it to you, I would like seven year olds to be able to understand them.

난 세월의 흐름에도 변치 않으면서 사람들의 삶에 간간히 함께할 수 있는 그런 곡들을 쓰고싶어요.  
당신에게 설명하기 위해서 부클릿을 첨부해야만 하는 그런 건 좋아하지 않아요. 일곱살짜리도 이해할 수 있는 걸 좋아하죠.

I liked the bit in the final track ‘Let The Waves Carry You’ when guitars suddenly emerged it was a surprising flourish, given the rest of the record is just piano and voice….

It was a musical boo it was sort of popping your head around the corner and hiding in a cupboard waiting for your partner to get home….I’m in a band as well as doing this in which I play bass called Call me Jolene, I don’t want to make another piano and voice record so maybe that’s the hint of the future…

피아노와 보이스 레코드는 더 만들고 싶지 않아서 아마 이게 미래의 힌트가 될 수도 있겠군요..
하지만 2012년이라서 마음이 어떻게 변했는지는 내가 알수가 없당

So do the words and music just come to you sitting at the piano or do you carefully piece them together?

I work very hard there’s another great rock music myth you hear some hoary old blues based guitar player saying ‘yeah man I’m just a conduit I’m a satellite dish of music. Frankly I just want to implant my fist down their throat it’s a guarantee it will be meaningless. Every syllable is considered and poured over. I spent months on some of those songs….

I guess there’s that classic second album syndrome when a band is on the road and touring and have less and less time to spend on their next record….

Yeah I guess there’s some truth in that. But this is unquestionably a first album. It’s taken years of sweat and ink. I have a piano at home and it’s one of my great joys in life to just sit and play, one develops an instinct for what is going to work. There are no songs half written or that haven’t been released it’s just those ten songs . Of course there’s been many a note or half idea that’s sat on a 1980’s Dictaphone somewhere  I sit at home I have notebook and biros and I record……

I was particularly taken with ‘Where there are pixels there is life’ it gives emotion to something which some people might see as cold like technology and how people can find comfort in it….

It’s a song that understands why people do that. I completely appreciate that, the world is a dark place why wouldn’t you retreat into a world that would hold many more options for you. I’m not suggesting it’s necessarily healthy it’s too easy to criticize someone for living remotely. It’s the modern day equivalent of disappearing off to a cave. I utterly utterly understand….I’m a reasonably modern human being it’s what I do I write I comment on what I see on my own behaviour and other people’s behaviour: I feel a great deal of empathy for people who try and disappear. There’s contact to be made and also that ability to reinvent oneself, I don’t think there’s a person on the planet who doesn’t want to be someone else and the internet allows them to do that….

이 대답도 굉장히 좋았음

At the end of the 90s you wrote some politically charged songs, how do you feel about the current political climate…

I see David Cameron walks around with the shadow of Margaret Thatcher ever since the war and ever since that wonderful Attlee led Labour government when they introduced the NHS and they built some of the loveliest housing. Ever since then there’s been a relentless drive too the free-market economy and everybody knows the free market hates the vulnerable and everybody knows the vulnerable would suffer…I loath them deeply, the Tories hate the disabled they hate the old they hate the young they despise those in need and I only wish them ill. Tony Blair and his government clearly have blood on their hands, I was very excited in 1997 when they got voted in we’d had  Tories in power for eighteen years and they had a mandate to do even more, it would be churlish to say they did nothing, when they did introduce things like the minimum wage. But they became too obsessed with continuity they were working with the language of what had gone on in the last eighteen years.We now hear people in hushed corners whispering words like nationalization, whereas is 1997 you were clearly some kind of lunatic if you said that. Labour had been a process since the 80s of that process ignored the main constituency of people. People who were Labour voters now just vote and in constituencies that you need to be won to win an election they’re just not turning out. The Labour party missed an opportunity to affect real change in this country, sadly they slowed down the march to free market but didn’t reverse it…

노동당 지지자였던 사람들은 이제 그냥 선거에서 이기기 위해서 투표할 뿐이에요. 선거가 끝나도 달라지는 건 없지만. 노동당은 이 나라에 진짜 변화를 일으킬 기회를 놓쳤죠. 자유시장으로의 행진을 조금 늦췄을 뿐 행선지가 달라진 것은 아니예요. 

Do you prefer Reginald Perrin or Rising Damp?

I like both. But the reason for the questions are obvious but no the rumours aren’t true much as it would make a more interesting back story to my life that I spent weekends at Uncle Leonard’s but it’s just not true….

아! Rising Camp 가 여기서 나온 말이었나보다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아이고 참나 시트콤이었구만 그 삼촌 로시터 나온ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Do you still support Cardiff City?

I don’t, I live in Brighton and I have children and it would be about a hundred and forty round trip but I don’t have the time. I am still following them very closely of course. One of my huge regrets I sometimes don’t feel Welsh enough for some people. I grew up around Cardiff but when I was 9 we moved to England. Inevitably there are people who claim I’m not Welsh enough for them I’d just like to plead that it’s not my fault. I’m by no means a nationalist I have more important things to do with my time….

아직도 카디프 시티 서포터즈예요?

아니예요. 난 Brighton에 살고있고 아이들도 키우고 있고.. 백사십여개의 왕복여행이 있지만 시간이 없어요. 물론 아직도 굉장히 좋아하기는 해요. 내가 가장 유감스럽게 생각하는 것 중 하나는, 종종 어떤 사람들한테 나는 충분히 웨일즈인으로 느껴지지 않는다는 거예요. 난 카디프 근처에서 자랐지만 잉글랜드로 아홉살 쯤에 이사를 갔죠. 나를 웨일즈인이라고 하기에는 부족하다고 주장하는 사람들이 있을 만 해요. 하지만 그게 내 잘못은 아니잖아요. 난 결코 국수주의자는 아니거든요, 그런것보다 더 중요한 것들이 내 인생에는 많으니깐.. 

젤 궁금했던 거긴 한데 때려쳤군아  아무튼 이 대답도 좀 흥미로웠음 

I remember seeing you at the Big Noise gig in the 1990s in Cardiff Bay….

Yeah with Catatonia and Paul Weller that was a very strange bill which was compared by Danni Minogue because for some reason the trough of her career was how low she had to sink introducing me, the poor thing. Sadly that’s how the industry treats women they assume that they don’t have an idea for themselves and don’t like it when they do. Lets be honest it’s a remarkably sexist industry to find someone who is prepared to be a puppet when there are thousands of talented female musicians who must be banging their heads against the walls asking why they are not allowed in…

이게 이 산업이 여성을 소비하는 방식이죠. 여성 스스로가 생각이 없다고 가정해버리고 생각이 있는 경우에는 그걸 좋아하지 않잖아요. 솔직히, 꼭두각시가 될 준비가 되어있는 사람들을 찾으려고 혈안이 되어있는, 굉장히 성차별적인 산업이예요. 수천명의 재능있는 여성 뮤지션들이 벽에다가 머리를 박으면서 왜 우리는 벽 안으로 들어갈 수 없냐고 따져물어야하는 와중에 말이예요.

아주 시발 나라 안팎으로 옹달샘같은 새끼들과 어벤저스 양달샘같은 새끼들이 병신같은 소리들을 해대는 이 판국에 이런 인터뷰를 보게 되다니
존나 업고 봉산탈춤을 한판 춰줘야할거같다 북청사자놀음이던지 

Why is there no Cardiff gig on your current tour?

That was logistics we tried and we tried and to be honest all I wanted was not to lose money. We just couldn’t find a show to do at the right time. I’m sorry to the whole of the west of the United Kingdom…..

계속 시도했던 계획들은 있었는데 솔직히 말하자면 내가 원하는건 단지.. 돈을 날리지 않는거예요.  적기의 공연을 찾아낼수가 없었어요. UK의 서쪽분들에게 유감일 따름이예요...

그리고 그는 솔로앨범이 잘 팔려서 카디프에 와서 공연을 하게 되었다..

I read a quote from your DIS interview about labels being run by ‘moral vacuums in mid priced suits'; was there any particular reason for this? You were on Polydor with Gene weren’t you?

They released two a best of and a greatest hits, one expect that the thing that I found most upsetting was they almost felt like they’d come along and removed their penis’ from their trousers and pissed on their grave. I saw one of these crappy compilations and saw that they had neglected to spell Rossiter properly. Its just an indication of how much the music industry cares about music. Which was quite rude. It was ridiculous. We had one of the John Peel session albums coming out and they deliberately timed the release to coincide with the release of the John Peel compilation album. And one of those albums they tried to release. It’s disrespectful to a band who made them a sizeable amount of money and probably paid for their spray tans….We shouldn’t be surprised it’s just the lack of care and a indicator of people not caring about the thing that they profess to care about most which is music. That they  are dreadful dreadful people…..

쓰레기 같은 컴필레이션을 봤을 때 Rossiter 스펠링을 틀린 걸 알았죠. 이게 음악산업이 음악을 어떻게 취급하는지에 대한 지표예요. 꽤나 무례하죠. John Peel 세션 음반도 하나 냈었는데, John Peel 컴필레이션 음반 내는 시기랑 맞춰서 계속 발매를 미루더라구요. 계속 발매하려던 음반 들 중 하나랑. 그들한테 그렇게 돈을 많이 벌어다준 밴드에게 하는 보답 치고는 굉장히 무례한 일이죠. 아마 걔네 태닝비 다 우리가 벌어다 준걸텐데요. 

인터뷰어가 생각보다 준비를 마니 해왔다는 걸 느낀 대목(http://goldennoir.tistory.com/entry/Martin-Rossiter-Interview-2012-November-19th-by-marc-burrows)
말하다가 빡이 친듯한 도입부.. 꼬부기 청년은 나름 말이 세더라도 그렇게 음마 싶지는 않은데 마흔두살 어니부기는 입담이 장난이 아니시당 

I guess a lot of major record labels have become rumps now selling back catalogue records….

Making their money out of repackaging nostalgia….

Have you read that book Retromania?  The author Simon Reynolds talks about the lack of quality in modern music so people are still obsessed with the past that they can’t see the future….

What happens is the industry creates an illusion of choice for people where think they have a choice but actually the choice they have is phenomenally limited in the actual range and invention of people out there which is heartbreaking and I really can’t see how it will change until the industry genuinely collapses. There’s no shame in wanting to be able to earn a living out of music. There needs to be some way of doing it, a way that allows the public to have real choice….

It’s funny that we’re almost getting nostalgic for the old way of doing things…

It’s got so bad now that people are nostalgic for a time when it was only terrible. The album will die for which I don’t feel romantically attached to the album in fact most albums are appalling they’re three singles with thirty two minutes of noise. I think cloud storage actually holds the key to the future of the industry. The measure of the quality of an album up until now has been on how many copies are sold if there was a way of rewarding people for the impact it has which can only measured by how many times people play the music. I would like to think that people will play my album till it melts in your record player, you know those records everyone owns that you played and played to death until the needle broke on your record player or your stereo blew up. Actually I think cloud storage of music will potentially allow how many times that things are played count for something again if that was rewarded then nobody would play filler….

굉장히 좋지 않죠. 사람들은 굉장히 끔찍했던 시대에 향수를 갖고 있잖아요. 내가 더 이상 앨범에 낭만적으로 접근하지 못한다면 그 앨범은 죽는거예요. 사실 대부분의 앨범은 끔찍하죠.. 삼십 이분간의 소음으로 가득찬 세 싱글들. 음악산업의 미래의 열쇠는 클라우드 시스템이 쥐고 있다고 생각해요. 이제까지의 앨범의 퀄리티는, 얼마나 많은 카피를 팔았냐에 따라 달려있었지만요. 얼마나 많은 사람들이 음악을 재생하는가 그 효과만 측정해서 사람들에게 보상할 수 있는 방법이 있다면 말이죠.. 난 사람들이 내 음반을 레코드 플레이어에서 녹아내릴때까지 재생했으면 좋겠어요. 다들 한 장씩 갖고있으면서 죽을때까지, LP 바늘이 부러지거나 스피커가 터질때까지 듣는 그런 음반이요. 사실 난 클라우드가 시스템이 곧 한 곡을 얼마나 여러번 재생했는지 체크하는게 가능해질거라고 생각해요. 

I still like records though…

We’re old we like to hold things young people don’t care about holding things. It doesn’t mean they don’t love the music I would happily sacrifice the idea of product for the idea that listens actually count for something….

우리가 늙어서 그래요. 우린 손에 쥐고 있는걸 좋아하지만 젊은 사람들은 그런것에 연연하지 않아요. 

음반 한 장 판매보다 얼마나 자주 재생되는가 이런 아이디어에 좀 더 매료되어 있는 듯.. 맞지 진도 음반은 적게 팔았을지언정 골수팬들이 넘쳐나니깐.. 근데 어빠 저 손에 쥐고있을라고 음반 마니 샀는데여...

Some people tend to listen to Spotify on tinny laptop speakers, I guess with improving technology the hope is the way we consume digital music will improve too…?

Oh well people who listen to music on laptop speakers should be rounded up and marched off the edge of Anglesey….

I read that the last time you and all the members of Gene took to the stage was in 2008 …?

Yeah that was a present for our manager, I’m not sure he wanted it but he got it anyway…

Why do you say that was it under rehearsed?

It was fine actually, most of them are fully committed to muscle memory it didn’t require much rehearsal…

There’s no point me asking the stereotypical about whether you would ever get back together question then?

There’s absolutely no point I just have no desire to turn around and look backwards I would genuinely rather fail. And I don’t get the argument that some bands try to put forward about ‘just trying to make a living’ I say just go and get a job that’s what I did don’t trade on nostalgia, don’t insult the art form I love, pop music deserves better…

Gene 멤버들이 다 같이 모여서 마지막으로 무대위에 섰던게 2008년이란걸 봤는데요.

맞아요 우리 매니저에게 주는 선물이었어요. 그가 그 선물을 원했는지는 잘 모르겠지만 어쨌든 받았죠..

리허설이 충분하지 못했다고 말한 이유는요?
사실 괜찮았어요, Gene 멤버들에게는 다들 체화되어있기 때문에 많은 리허설이 필요하지는 않았죠.

그리고 재결합에 대한 일관적인 코멘트들 .

So what do you think about the Stone Roses getting back together then?

I’m just disappointed. I’m just saddened that greed seems to have dominated people’s decisions. I’ve turned down money to reform Gene before I just wouldn’t do it and I’ve been on the dole on and off over the years. I’d have to be at the point where my kids where getting rickets through starvation to do it. There are more important things in life than greed. I was also immensely disappointed to see the Stone Roses are playing in Dubai that imprisons people for being gay and has terrible women’s rights and they’ve obviously decided it doesn’t matter and closed their eyes to it. It’s tacky there’s lots of these bands. It’s not just Status Quo either I don’t know why they don’t just go to a flea market and buy Status Quo t-shirts, and it’s just about money, it’s pure greed. Go and get a job! Stop shitting on people’s memories…

실망했죠. 욕심이 결정을 지배할 수 있다는 사실이 참 슬퍼요. 난 이제까지 Gene을 재결성할 돈들을 거절해왔어요. 수년간 실업수당을 받았다가 받지 않았다가를 반복했죠. 내 아이들은 구루병에 걸리려고 하는 그런 시점이었는데요. 삶에, 욕심보다 더 중요한 건 없어요. 스톤로지즈가 두바이에서 공연하는걸 보면 정말이지.. 엄청난 실망이예요. 동성애자는 잡아 가두고 여성인권은 최악인 그런 곳에서, 공연을 하겠다고 결정하다니. 저런 사실들은 그들에게 중요하지도 않은 이슈이고 눈을 아주 감아버렸잖아요. 저런 밴드가 넘쳐난다는 게 참 형편없네요. 나가서 일을 해요! 다른 사람들 추억을 더럽히지 말고..

Very interesting to talk to you thank you for your time…

Thanks give my love to Cardiff will you?

'Gene > interview / article' 카테고리의 다른 글

Steve Mason @ Melody Maker, June 10 1995  (0) 2015.04.30
Wake Up!  (0) 2015.04.30
The Advocate 1997년 5월 27일  (0) 2015.04.25
CMJ New Music Monthly 1997년 5월  (0) 2015.04.25
From Vox magazine, July 1997. "Rock the World"  (0) 2015.04.23
